แก้ปัญญา เปิด PC Setting เปิดไม่ขึ้น ใน Windows 8

1. Double check to make sure that access to PC settings has not been disabled.

2. Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog, copy and paste the path below into Run, and click/tap on OK.

%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

3. Check to see if you have the PC settings (aka: Immersive Control Panel) shortcut. (see screenshot below)

Click image for larger version

4. Do step 5 or 6 below depending on if you already have the PC settings shortcut.

5. If you do have the PC settings shortcut, then go to step 7 below.

6. If you do not have the PC settings shortcut, then click/tap on the download button below to download thePC_settings.zip file below for a clean copy.


A) Save the .zip file to your desktop.

B) Open the .zip file, extract (drag and drop) the Immersive Control Panel (aka: PC settings) shortcut to your desktop.

C) Move the Immersive Control Panel (aka: PC settings) shortcut into the Programs folder in step 2. (see screenshot below step 3)

D) If prompted, click/tap on Yes, Yes, Continue (UAC), Yes, and Yes to approve. (see screenshots below)

Name:  Approve.png
Views: 41922
Size:  20.6 KB

Name:  Conitnue.png
Views: 41794
Size:  27.0 KB

E) Test to see if you are able to open PC settings now.

F) If you are still not able to open PC settings, then go to step 7 below.

G) If you are able to open PC settings now, then you’re finished and can stop.

7. Open an elevated command prompt.

A) In the elevated command prompt, copy and paste the command below, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)


powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\ImmersiveControlPanel\AppxManifest.xml
Click image for larger version


Note   Note
If you get the 0x8007064A error in quotes below, then it means that the Packages registry key below does not have System set as it’s owner. For how, see step 3 in Option Three here: How to “Take Ownership” of a File, Folder, Drive, or Registry Key in Windows 8 and 8.1. Afterwards, try again.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\Repository\Packages

error 0x8007064A: Cannot register the request because the following error wasencountered while initializing the windows.repositoryExtension extension: The
configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.

8. Test to see if you are able to open PC settings now.

9. If you are still not able to open PC settings, then see: Fix Store Apps and Tiles that are Not Working or Responding in Windows 8 and 8.

Source : http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/42001-pc-settings-fix-restore-windows-8-1-a.html

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